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Monday, November 12, 2012

THT 3 Day Workout Plan

THT 3 Day Workout Plan

Here’s the brief outline of how your week is going to look:
 Monday: Legs & Shoulders
 Wednesday: Chest, Biceps, & Abs
 Friday:  Back, Triceps, & Traps
This is not an easy routine, guys. It’s going to be tough to hit 3 body parts in a single workout with THT-style intensity. But if you’re ready and willing to do what it takes, let’s delve into this…

Monday: Legs & Shoulders
 Barbell Squats (2 sets)
 Leg Presses (2 sets)
 Leg Curls (1 set)
 Leg Extensions (1 set)
 Standing Calf Raises (3 sets) (or use Leg Press Machine). Take a full 5 minute break here before hitting your shoulders. A separate shoulder warm-up is also needed.
 Seated Smith Machine Overhead Press (2 sets)
 Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press (2 sets)
 Dumbbell or Machine Lateral Raises (3 sets)
Wednesday: Chest, Biceps, & Abs
 Flat Bench Press (2 sets)
 Pec Deck (2 sets)
 Deep Dips (2 sets). Take a full 5 minute break here before hitting your biceps.
 Barbell Bicep Curls (2 sets)
 Kneeling Cable Crunches (2 sets)
 Weighted Hanging Leg Raises (1 set)
Friday:  Back, Triceps, & Traps
 Deadlifts (2 sets)
 Cable Rows (2 sets)
 Pullovers (2 sets). Take a full 5 minute break here before hitting your triceps.
 Decline or Flat French Presses (3 sets) (use a close grip on an EZ bar – use this compound form, not the strict isolated form)
 Cable Pushdowns (2 sets)
 Cable Kickbacks (1 set each arm. Use a stirrup attachment). Take a full 5 minute break here before hitting your traps.
 Trap Bar Shrugs (3 sets. Or use a smith machine or low pulley).
That’s it!
Now I’ve no doubt that there are a few exercises you just can’t do. In that case, refer to the THT Exercise Bank for my recommended alternatives.
Simply cycle this 3 day plan with the HIT cycle in the THT 4 book, which is also a 3 day routine. This will allow you to keep GROWING and getting stronger indefinitely!
Now, here are the workout logs for this workout. Remember, you can train in any 1 of 3 rep ranges for this workout. If you are just beginning, start with the 8-12 rep range workout logs. If you don’t know anything about THT training yet, download your copy of the free book by adding your name and email into the box at the top right of this page and start succeeding once and for all!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fitness supplements! The right ones to take!

Meal plan - Week 3

Eat More, Weigh Less

Seriously! By packing your diet with nutrient-dense foods you will keep your snack-a-tite in check, and your metabolism revved up. 

What to expect: Fast-prep meals . . . options for eating out . . . pasta . . . ice cream!
We’ve mapped out a healthy meal plan that delivers an average of 1,500 balanced calories per day— enough for most active women to maintain energy and still lose weight.

Tip: If you find yourself getting hungry, go on a blitz in the produce aisle. Think outside the celery stick: fresh veggies come in all colors,flavors, and crunch levels. Better yet, they fill you up without packing on pounds. 


This Week's Featured Food

This Week's Featured Food
Tofu Stir-fry
This recipe is huge-you'll have plenty of leftovers for the next day-plus it's packed with flavor. And isn't there something so satisfying about enjoying a filling meal that you know isn't a total calorie bomb?


Loaded Vegetable Omelet
1 large grapefruit
Smart Balance Light Butter Popcorn, mini bag
Mediterranean Hummus Wrap
1 apple
0% fat Greek yogurt
Whole Wheat Pasta with Vegetables
2 cups of broccoli
1 Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich


Giant Omelet Scramble
1 large grapefruit
1 piece of string cheese
Leftover Whole Wheat Pasta with Vegetables
1 apple
25 almonds
Tofu Stir-Fry
1 cup of brown rice


Belly-Stuffing Peanut Butter Oatmeal
1 large grapefruit
1 piece of string cheese
Leftover Tofu Stir-Fry
1 cup of brown rice
0% fat Greek yogurt
Chicken Spinach Parm
2 cups of broccoli
Salad with 2 Tbsp olive oil/vinegar dressing


Lean Eggs and Ham
1 large grapefruit
0% fat Greek yogurt
1 banana
Gobbleguac Sandwich
1 piece of string cheese
Steamed Snapper with Pesto
1 cup of brown rice
2 cups of broccoli


Don't-Get-Fat French Toast
1 banana
2 small boxes of raisins
The I-Am-Not-Eating-Salad Salad
1 apple
15 baby carrots
2 Tbsp of hummus
1 piece of string cheese
Miso Salmon
Salad with 2 Tbsp olive oil/vinegar dressing


2 Tbsp of peanut butter with 1 piece of whole-grain toast
1 large grapefruit
25 almonds
Gobbleguac Sandwich
1 apple
1 piece of string cheese
Eat Out


Loaded Vegetable Omelet
1 banana
1 Luna Bar
Black Bean and Cheese Burrito
1 apple
2 small boxes of raisins
Grilled Cilantro-Lime Chicken
Salad with 2 Tbsp olive oil/vinegar dressing
1 sugar-free Fudgsicle

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Meal plan: Week 2

This Week's Featured Food

This Week's Featured Food
Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich
We didn't say you had to give up treats on this plan did we? A Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich has only 140 calories and less than 2—count 'em, less than 2—grams of fat. Lick it good.


3 Scrambled Eggs
1 large grapefruit
25 almonds
Leftover Penne with Chicken Marengo
2 cups of broccoli
1 piece of string cheese
0% fat Greek yogurt
Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps
2 cups of snow peas
1 Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich


Loaded Vegetable Omelet
1 banana
1 piece of string cheese
0% fat Greek yogurt
The I-Am-Not-Eating-Salad Salad
1 apple
10 cherry tomatoes
1 Luna Bar
Tofu Stir-Fry
2 cups of broccoli
1 cup of brown rice


3 Scrambled Eggs
1 large grapefruit
0% fat Greek yogurt
25 almonds
Leftover Tofu Stir-Fry
1 cup of brown rice
1 banana
1 piece of string cheese
Quick Lemon Chicken with Rice
2 cups of broccoli


Giant Omelet Scramble
1 banana
2 small boxes of raisins
Turkey Wrap
1 apple
1 Lärabar
Grilled Cilantro-Lime Chicken
1 cup of brown rice
2 cups of broccoli


Loaded Vegetable Omelet
1 large grapefruit
0% fat Greek yogurt
1 banana
Turkey Wrap
1 apple
15 baby carrots
2 Tbsp of hummus
Steamed Snapper with Pesto
2 cups of broccoli
1 cup of brown rice


Lean Eggs and Ham 
1 medium grapefruit
1 piece of string cheese
25 almonds
Mediterranean Hummus Wrap
1 apple
Smart Balance Light Butter Popcorn, mini bag
Penne with Chicken Marengo
2 cups of broccoli 
30 baby carrots


Don't-Get-Fat French Toast
1 large grapefruit
2 small boxes of raisins
1 piece of string cheese
The I-Am-Not-Eating-Salad Salad
1 apple
15 baby carrots
2 Tbsp of hummus
Miso Salmon
Salad with 2 Tbsp olive oil/vinegar dressing

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Workout Plans for the Biceps & Triceps at Home

If your flabby arms make you want to spend the rest of your life in sweaters, you don't have to sign up for an expensive gym membership. Instead, add new exercises to your at-home workout routine that strengthen and tone the biceps and triceps. Consult your doctor before adding new exercises to your workout plan, especially if you have health concerns.

Wide Push-Up

The wide push-up exercise will help develop the muscles in the triceps and shoulders. Get down on the floor in a push-up position, with your back straight and your weight balanced on your arms and toes. Place your arms about six inches wider than your shoulders on each side. Bend your elbows until they reach a 90-degree angle, then straighten your arms to rise back up to the starting position. Repeat for a total of 12 reps.

Triple Play Exercise

The Triple Play exercise will tone and strengthen the biceps, triceps and shoulders. Hold hand weights in both hands and stand up straight with your feet at about the width of your shoulders. Keeping your palms up toward the ceiling, extend your arms out to your sides so your elbows are straight and your arms are at the height of your shoulders. Bend your arms so your elbows are at a 90-degree angle with your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Straighten your elbows and bring your arms up over your head, then bend your elbows behind you, so you are holding the weights behind your head. Go through the moves backwards -- lift your arms overhead, make a 90-degree angle, then extend your arms out. Repeat the progression for a total of 15 times.

Balancing Biceps and Triceps Exercise

The balancing biceps and triceps exercise will help tone the glues, abdominal muscles, biceps and triceps. Stand up straight with your feet touching each other. Hold one weight in each hand, keeping your palms facing forward. Stand on your left foot, bending your right leg slightly and keeping your foot in the air. Bend your elbows to do a curl-up, bringing the weights up to the height of your shoulders. Continue curling for 12 reps, then switch legs. Bend over slightly at the waist as you bend your elbows, keeping the weights next to your chest. As you keep your arms at your sides, press the weights behind you. Straighten your hips, lower your arms and keep your left leg in the air, then repeat for a total of 12 reps.

Walk Out

The walk out exercise tones the triceps and core muscles. Stand up straight with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees into a squatting position, then bend over at the waist and place your hands on the ground. Walk your hands out in front of you until your hands are directly underneath your chest. Rotate your arms so your thumbs and pointer fingers make a triangle shape. Bend your knees to lower your chest to the ground, then use your arms to bring yourself back up. Walk your hands back to your feet. Walk your hands back out so they are positioned under your chest and repeat the exercise for a total of 20 reps.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Home Based Ab Workout

This simple home based abdominal workout can be done at home with absolutely no equipment. It should only take about 20mins and can be done once every three days.
Workout Summary

Main Goal: Build Muscle
Workout Type: Single Muscle Group
Training Level: Beginner
Days Per Week: 3
Equipment Required: Bodyweight
Target Gender: Male & Female
Author: M&S Writers
Workout Description

This simple home based ab workout is designed to strengthen your mid section. We've designed this workout so that you do not need any fitness equipment at all!

The workout should be done three times per week, with at least one day off between workouts. Monday - Wednesday - Friday would be ideal. If your abdominal muscles are still sore from the previous workout, wait until the soreness subsides before training them again.

Daily Workout Schedule:

Day 1 - Abdominals
Exercise Sets Reps
Floor Crunch 3 20
Horizontal Leg Raise (floor) 3 15-20
Hover (AKA plank) 3 MAX time
Floor crunch - Hands on the side of the head, keep the eyes fixed at one point on the ceiling, then lifting the shoulders off the floor but leaving the back on the floor, thereby crunching the abdominals, breathe out on the way up, hold at the top position for a count of 2. Hovers - hold for maximum time! 1 minute is the standard, those with a strong core may eb able to do 2mins+.
Day 2 - Abdominals
Exercise Sets Reps
Floor Reach 3 15
Abdominal Air Bike (see instructions) 3 15-20
Side Hover 3 45 seconds
Side hover - hold each side for a count of 45 seconds
Bicycle exercise:
Lie face up on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head.
Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the ground without pulling on the neck.
Straight the left leg out to about a 45-degree angle while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee.
Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.
Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 12-16 reps.
Day 3 - Abdominals
Exercise Sets Reps
Floor Crunch 3 20
Floor Reach 3 15
Advanced Hover (see instructions) 1 3 mins
Floor crunch - Hands on the side of the head, keep the eyes fixed at one point on the ceiling, then lifting the shoulders off the floor but leaving the back on the floor, thereby crunching the abdominals, breathe out on the way up, hold at the top position for a count of 2
Advanced hover instructions:
Regular hover postion for 1 min
Extend right leg out straight for 30 seconds
Extend left leg out straight for 30 seconds
Extend right arm out straight for 30 seconds
Extend left arm out straight for30 seconds

Monday, October 15, 2012

5 Intense Exercises For Strong, Shapely Legs And Glutes!

This is a great workout I found in Please see below and enjoy!

5 Intense Exercises For Strong, Shapely Legs And Glutes!
While many people have the top goal of achieving a set of six pack abs, your primary goal might be toning the legs and glutes. Here are five intense lower body exercises that will do just that! Give them a try.
By: Shannon Clark
Article Summary:
  • When the legs show good definition, it really enhances the overall image of the body.
  • A big mistake that people make when doing squats is shorting the full movement.
  • When it comes to your cardio, there's no better way to tone the legs than uphill walking.
While many people have the top goal of achieving a set of six pack abs, your primarygoal might be toning the legs and glutes, giving your lower body a curvier, yet still muscular appearance.
When the legs show good tone and definition, it really enhances the overall image of the body, making it well worth your time and effort. In order to maximize both the strengthpotential and appearance of your leg and glute muscles, there are some key exercises you will want to focus on.
By doing so, you'll be sure you're getting the most for your time spent as well as see the quickest results possible - because no one wants to spend more time doing leg workouts than they have to.
When The Legs Show Good Definition, It Really Enhances The Overall Image Of The Body.
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
When The Legs Show Good Tone And Definition,
It Really Enhances The Overall Image Of The Body.
5 Intense Leg Exercises
1. Full Squats:
One of the biggest mistakes that women make when doing the squat exercise is shorting themselves of the full movement. Most will only go down to the point where the knees are parallel with the body, if that. While this is a smart move if you have pre-existing knee pain, if you don't, you should really try and squat a bit lower.
The primary reason being it's those last few inches at the very bottom of the squat where you're really going to call the hamstrings and glutes into play, contracting the muscles to maximum tension.
To add a little extra intensity to this movement once you've got the basic squat down, try pausing for a second at the bottom before lifting upwards. Once you're comfortable with this, then take a second pause half way through the upwards portion, and then rise back up to the full standing position.
Note that if you do it in this manner, they will be incredibly intense, therefore you should consider decreases; both the total reps performed and the weight that's used.
Barbell Full Squat
Barbell Full Squat
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Barbell Full Squat
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of Barbell Full Squat.
2. One-Leg Barbell Squats:
Another exercise that's fantastic for hitting those leg and glute muscles is one leg barbell squats. To perform this one you simply place one leg up on a bench or box behind you, while standing on the other leg straight underneath you.
Hold either a pair of dumbbells at your side or else have a barbell resting across your back and then slowly bend the leg you're standing on to move into the squat position.
Try and go as low as you can comfortably, and then straighten the leg again until you're at the top of the position. After you've finished all your reps on that side, you then repeat the exercise standing on the other foot.
Note also with this exercise that the further your standing foot is from the leg behind you, the more you will work the hamstring muscles while if it's directly underneath the center of balance, you'll target your quads more.
One Leg Barbell Squat
One Leg Barbell Squat
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
One Leg Barbell Squat
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of One Leg Barbell Squat.
3. Uphill Walking:
When it comes to your cardio training, there's no better way to tone the legs than uphill walking (or running if you're in the condition to do so).
Since you're now requiring the body to move uphill on the gradient, you're really going to work these muscles in particular, which will pull the body in the uphill direction.
Be sure after performing such cardio that you do take the time to really strength hamstring muscles out, as thirty minutes or longer in continuous motion in this manner can cause a high amount of stiffness, particularly if you've never done this type of work before.
VIDEO GUIDE: Hill Sprints
Hill Sprints!

Hill walking or sprinting is perfect for defining your legs and getting you a great cardiovascular workout at the same time!
4. Deadlifts With Feet Slightly Raised:
Next up on the list are deadlifts where your feet are slightly raised upon a block or board. Having this extra flexion with the foot will put slightly more tension on the hamstring muscles, upping the intensity of the exercise.
Note that if your aim is primary strength development, you may want to go without the block as you will likely lift more weight, but if you aren't as concerned with max strength and more focused on just defining the muscles, this is a good variation to incorporate into your program once in a while.
Barbell Deadlift
Barbell Deadlift
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Barbell Deadlift
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of Barbell Deadlift.
5. Dumbbell Step Ups:
Finally, the last exercise you can do to target the legs and glutes are dumbbell step ups. These will promote the development of the quads nicely, so they will be a good addition to the deadlifts just mentioned above.
To perform this exercise you basically just stand right behind a box or bench, while either holding a set of dumbbells or while resting a barbell across your back.
From there, place one leg directly up on top of the box and use that leg to pull the other one up to meet it. Once you're at the top, you have the option of stepping down with the other leg leading now, or stepping down in the same manner you stepped up.
Whichever method you choose to use, be sure you then switch feet after the set is completed, so you balance the tension placed over both the legs.
Dumbbell Step Ups
Dumbbell Step Ups
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Dumbbell Step Ups
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of Dumbbell Step Ups.
So, if you're looking to create a good lower body workout that will develop a great amount of strength, pay particular attention to the above mentioned movements.
You likely don't want to do them all in a single session as that could leave you overtrained, but switching between them every so often will allow you to see maximum results.