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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Best Protein Foods For Building Muscle

It is important to have the best protein diet for building healthy muscles. The amount of protein required daily depends on your calorie intake and your activity level.

It is advisable to check with your doctor to know exactly how much protein your body needs for maintaining strong and healthy muscles. Here are some protein-rich foods that must be a part of your diet:


Eggs are a favorite, as they contain 6g of protein per ounce. Most of the protein is in the egg white. While eating eggs on a daily basis, avoid foods that contain saturated fat like red meat, cheese and other such foodstuffs.

Turkey and Chicken

Chicken and turkey both contain a higher amount of protein and less saturated fat than red meat. One ounce of turkey and chicken breast contains 9g of protein. They are a rich source of B vitamins, phosphorus and tryptophan. The high level of proteins makes poultry a better and healthier choice.


Fish is another great source of protein. It has to be a regular part of your diet. It contains no carbohydrates and less saturated fat. Trout sardines and salmon are the top varieties to eat. Fish have 6g protein per ounce and are also high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is easier to digest than beef or pork. The main problem with fish is that it is high in mercury; the American Heart Association has recommended that fish should be eaten only twice, and not more than three to four times, per week.


Nuts are the best snack as they contain quality protein and good fat. Peanut butter, peanuts and almonds are high in protein. Almonds and peanuts contain 8g and 9g of protein per ¼ cup.

Cottage Cheese

The amount of protein in cottage cheese differs depending on the brand. ¼- cup of cottage cheese contains about 7g of protein. Make sure that you check the label before buying cottage cheese. It is wise to purchase cottage cheese made from low-fat or skimmed milk. You can also make cottage cheese at home.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is excellent to consume before and after a heavy workout, as the body absorbs it up fast. It is the best source of protein and has the highest biological value. Whey is a rich source of branched chain amino acids (BCAA).

Low Fat and Chocolate Milk

Milk is a great combination of whey protein and casein. Consume low fat milk as much as possible. Chocolate milk can be the best after workout beverage, as it contains all the required components needed by your body after a heavy workout. It has a high water content that prevents dehydration.

Your diet should contain these high protein foods if you want to develop muscles and build your body.

Monday, September 24, 2012

15 great diet tips!

15 Best Diet Tips Ever

Everyone knows the keys to losing weight: Eat less and exercise more. Sounds simple enough, but in the context of real life and its demands, it can be anything but simple. So how do successful losers do it? To find out, WebMD asked experts across the country for their best diet tips.

Here's what they said:

Avoid These 12 Diet Mistakes

Best Diet Tip No. 1: Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need.

"If you don't like plain water, try adding citrus or a splash of juice, or brew infused teas like mango or peach, which have lots of flavor but no calories," says Cynthia Sass, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Best Diet Tip No. 2: Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should take away.

Start by focusing on getting the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

"It sounds like a lot, but it is well worth it, because at the same time you are meeting your fiber goals and feeling more satisfied from the volume of food," says chef Laura Pansiero, RD.

You're also less likely to overeat because fruits and vegetables displace fat in the diet. And that's not to mention the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. More than 200 studies have documented the disease-preventing qualities of phytochemicals found in produce, says Pansiero.

Her suggestion for getting more: Work vegetables into meals instead of just serving them as sides on a plate.

"I love to take seasonal vegetables and make stir-fries, frittatas, risotto, pilafs, soups, or layer on sandwiches," Pansiero says. "It is so easy to buy a variety of vegetables and incorporate them into dishes."

Best Diet Tip No. 3: Consider whether you're really hungry.

Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger, suggests Michelle May, MD, author of Am I Hungry?

"Hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it," she says.

When you're done eating, you should feel better -- not stuffed, bloated, or tired.

"Your stomach is only the size of your fist, so it takes just a handful of food to fill it comfortably," says May.

Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullness.

Best Diet Tip No. 4: Be choosy about nighttime snacks.

Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax.

"Sitting down with a bag of chips or cookies in front of the television is an example of eating amnesia, where you mindlessly eat without being hungry, but out of habit," says American Dietetic Association spokesperson Malena Perdomo, RD.

Either close down the kitchen after a certain hour, or allow yourself a low-calorie snack, like a 100-calorie pack of cookies or a half-cup scoop of low-fat ice cream. Once you find that you're usually satisfied with the low-cal snack, try a cup of zero-calorie tea, suggests Perdomo.

Best Diet Tip No. 5: Enjoy your favorite foods.

"I think putting your favorite foods off limits leads to weight gain because it triggers 'rebound' overeating," says Sass.

Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag.

"You can enjoy your favorite foods, but you must do so in moderation," says Sass.

Best Diet Tip No. 6: Enjoy your treats away from home.

When you need a treat, Ellie Krieger, RD, host of Food Network's Healthy Appetite, suggests taking a walk to your local ice cream parlor or planning a family outing.

"By making it into an adventure, you don't have to worry about the temptation of having treats in the house, and it is a fun and pleasurable way to make it work when you are trying to lose weight," says Krieger.

And for those times you just can't get out? Krieger stocks her kitchen with fresh fruit, which she thinks can be every bit as delicious as any other dessert.

Best Diet Tip No. 7: Eat several mini-meals during the day.

If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. But when you're hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be challenging.

"Studies show people who eat 4-5 meals or snacks per day are better able to control their appetite and weight," says obesity researcher Rebecca Reeves, DrPH, RD.

She recommends dividing your daily calories into smaller meals or snacks and enjoying as many of them as you can early in the day -- dinner should be the last time you eat.

Best Diet Tip No. 8: Eat protein at every meal.

Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and thus may be the new secret weapon in weight control.

"Diets higher in protein [and] moderate in carbs, along with a lifestyle of regular exercise, have an excellent potential to help weight loss," says University of Illinois protein researcher Donald Layman, PhD.

Getting enough protein helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, like yogurt, cheese, nuts, or beans, at meals and snacks.

Best Diet Tip No. 9: Spice it up.

Add spices or chiles to your food for a flavor boost that can help you feel satisfied.

"Food that is loaded with flavor will stimulate your taste buds and be more satisfying so you won't eat as much," says Perdomo.

When you need something sweet, suck on a red-hot fireball candy for a long-lasting burst of sweetness with just a few calories.

Having ready-to-eat snacks and meals-in-minutes staples on hand sets you up for success. You'll be less likely to hit the drive-through or call in a pizza order if you can make a healthy meal in 5 or 10 minutes.

Sass stocks her kitchen with:

94% fat-free microwave popcorn (20-25 calories per cup, and you can make it in two minutes or less)
Frozen vegetables
Bags of pre-washed greens
Canned diced tomatoes
Canned beans
Whole-grain wraps or pitas
Pre-cooked grilled chicken breasts
A few containers of pre-cooked brown rice
Within minutes, she can toss together a healthy medley.

Best Diet Tip No. 11: Order childrenâs portions at restaurants.

"When you are eating out, order a child's pizza or a small sandwich as an easy way to trim calories and get your portions under control," suggest Perdomo.

Another trick is to use smaller plates. This helps the portions look like more, and if your mind is satisfied, your stomach likely will be, too.

Best Diet Tip No. 12: Eat foods in season.

"If you don't love certain fruits or vegetables, it could be because you ate them out of season when they have little taste or flavor," says Pensiero. "When you eat seasonally, fruits and vegetables are more flavorful, at their best, and I promise you won't be disappointed."

At GiGi's Trattoria, her restaurant in Rhinebeck, N.Y., she serves simple fruit desserts, like naturally sweet strawberries topped with aged balsamic vinegar, or low-fat yogurt or fresh berries in a compote.

Best Diet Tip No. 13: Swap a cup of pasta for a cup of vegetables.

Simply by eating less pasta or bread and more veggies, you could lose a dress or pants size in a year.

"You can save from 100-200 calories if you reduce the portion of starch on your plate and increase the amount of vegetables," says Sass.

Best Diet Tip No. 14: Use non-food alternatives to cope with stress.

Sooner or later, you're going to be faced with a stressful situation. Instead of turning to food for comfort, be prepared with some non-food tactics that work for you.

Sass suggests reading a few chapters in a novel, listening to music, writing in a journal, practicing meditative deep breathing, or looking at a photo album of loved ones.

Best Diet Tip No. 15: Be physically active.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, don't use exercise either to punish yourself for eating or to "earn" the right to eat more.

"When you do, it sets up a negative thought pattern, which is why so many people say they hate to exercise," says May.

Instead, focus on how great you feel, how much better you sleep and how much more energy you have when you exercise. Physical activity is good for you whether you are trying to lose weight or not, so keep it positive and build a lifelong habit.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The secret behind the madness...

Hey guys!

Some might argue that to get in shape all you need is the will and the motivation. I agree with this statement 100%, but your body can only go so far on its own. Please see below a list of supplements that have helped me reach a lot of my fitness goals:

GNC wheybolic extreme 60 - In my opinion, the best working and the best tasting protein out today. Is also low in calories and high and protein.

Cellucor C4 - This product is like nothing I've ever had. It will give you an extreme amount of energy and stamina. It will help you take your cardiovascular regimen to a whole new level.

Colossal Labs N.O Monster - If what you are looking for is power and strength, this is the product for you. You will noticed right after the first dose, how powerful this product will make you.

Universal Animal paks - This takes vitamins to a new level. Highly recommended.

Universal Animal cuts - Great supplement to get that ripped look you are looking for.

Twinlab amino fuel - This product really depends on how your body will react to it. I would say try it and see what kinds of results you get. For me it was great.

Nutrex lipo 6x - This product is by far the best and strongest fat burner I have ever used.

As always, let me know if you have any comments, questions or concerns!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Abs! Abs! Abs!

The spring rapidly approaches with no one to stop it. The routine is composed of 7 abdominal exercises carefully chosen to hit both the upper and lower abs. You will note that no direct oblique work is present.
The Spring rapidly approaches with no one to stop it. As Frank Zane well states in his book Fabulously Fit Forever, "Spring is a time of rebirth for my muscles with getting back into good shape as its theme".

With this theme in mind I have decided to implement a strategy that will get the Abs into awesome shape. Nothing looks more impressive than a well built physique with a six pack of well defined abs in front of it. Remembering that 50% of good results showing the Abs comes from the kitchen (your diet), I will present below a routine that guarantees quick results.

The routine is composed of 7 abdominal exercises carefully chosen to hit both the upper and lower abs. You will note that no direct oblique work is present. The reason for that is the fact that in my experience, direct oblique work only leads to a wider waistline. Besides, obliques get enough indirect stimulation from exercises like Squats, Deadlifts, Sit-ups, etc.

So having said that, below is the list of the Magnificent Seven:

Exercise #1: Sit-Ups
Primary Target: Upper Abs
Secondary Target: Lower Abs and Obliques

Lie flat on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your legs secured under a piece of heavy furniture (I am assuming that you are doing this routine at home).
Place your hands by your chest.
Flexing your abdominals, raise your torso until you are in nearly a sitting position.
Retaining tension on the abs, lower your torso to the beginning position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth).

Exercise #2: Leg Raises
Primary Target: Lower Abs
Secondary Target: Upper Abs and Obliques

Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
Place your hands at your sides by the floor for support.
Flexing your lower abdominals, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor.
Retaining tension on the abs, lower your legs to the beginning position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to let your legs drop on the negative portion of the movement).

Exercise #3: Lying Leg Raise+Crunch
Primary Target: Upper and Lower Abs
Secondary Target: Obliques

Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
Place your hands at your sides by the floor for support.
Flexing your lower abdominals, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor.
At this time, raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your back from the floor.
Retaining tension on the abs, lower your legs to the beginning position and then bring your torso to the starting position as well. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth).

Exercise #4: Knee-Ins
Primary Target: Lower Abs
Secondary Target: Upper Abs and Obliques

Sit on the floor (or on the edge of a chair or exercise bench) with your legs extended in front of you and your hands holding on to the sides for support.
Keeping your knees together, pull your knees in towards your chest until you can go no farther.

Keeping the tension on your lower ab muscles, return to the start position and repeat the movement until you have completed your set.

Exercise #5: V-Ups
Primary Target: Upper and Lower Abs
Secondary Target: Obliques

Sit on the floor (or on the edge of a chair or exercise bench) with your legs extended in front of you and your hands holding on to the sides for support.
Simultaneously bring your legs up as far as possible while at the same time bringing your torso towards them.
Return to the start position and repeat the movement until you have completed your set. (Note: This is a modified version of a V-Up. In a true V-Up your starting position is lying down on the floor and bringing yourself up with no arm support).

Exercise #6: Crunches
Primary Target: Upper Abs
Secondary Target: Lower Abs and Obliques

Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs in front of you bent at the knees.
Place your hands by your chest.
At this time, raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your back from the floor.
Retaining tension on the abs, bring your torso to the starting position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth).

Exercise #7: Knee-Ins+Crunch
Primary Target: Upper and Lower Abs
Secondary Target: Obliques

Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
Place your hands at your sides by the floor for support.
Slowly bend your legs at the knees bringing them towards your chest.
Once the knees are by your chest, raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your back from the floor.
Return your legs to the starting position and bring your torso back to the floor.
Sets, Reps and Rest in Between Sets

Each exercise is to be done for 3 sets each of as many reps as possible. There are many ways to perform this routine. I like to do a superset of exercises 1 and 2, rest 30 seconds, superset 3 and 4, rest 30 seconds, superset 5 & 6, rest 30 seconds and perform exercise 7. After exercise 7, I rest 1 minute and start the sequence again two more times for a total of three sets.

This is just the way that I like to do it. You may want to do it in the more traditional way of doing 3 sets for sit-ups (with no more than 60 seconds of rest in between sets) and after those three sets move on to the next exercise etc. It is really up to you. My personal goal is to be able at the end of 12 weeks to do the seven exercises in a big giant set all at once.

Note that this is an advanced abdominal routine. I would not recommend it for absolute beginners. Beginners would be better off just performing 3 exercises out of those seven for just two sets each and a minute of rest in between sets. From there on start building up endurance and start adding exercises and sets over a period of time.

When To Perform The Routine

Lately I have been doing abs and aerobics (I do my Abs first and then do my aerobics) first thing in the morning and weight training in the afternoon. That way I get to spike up my metabolism twice a day. If you rather do all in one session, then this is the order in which I would do it:

Abdominal Routine (Great warmup before the weight training session)
Weight Training

You may perform this routine a minimum of 3 days per week with the maximum being every day. However, keep in mind that you will not get to see your abs unless you are eating slightly less calories than your body burns. Remember that I am not talking about starvation here.

I am referring to 5-6 small meals a day (for men) and 4-5 small meals (for women) composed of roughly 40% carbs, 40% Protein and 20% Fats each (people with higher metabolisms may need a bit more carbs). In addition, ensure that you are doing at least 3 days of cardiovascular work.


If you cannot do an exercise due to lower back injuries for instance then feel free to substitute it for an exercise that does not bother your back.

If on the other hand, you have a healthy lower back and would like to add a bit of mass to your abs, I would just do the routine three times a week and use some resistance in the exercises.

Instructions For Quickest Results

Assuming that you are an advanced bodybuilder the quickest results will come from performing this routine on a daily basis in conjunction with aerobic exercise first thing in the morning.


Please remember that if your diet is not dialed in neither will be your abs no matter how much cardio or exercise you do. So stick to your diet, weight train hard, and bomb those abs. Come Spring and Summer and I guarantee that if you have paid your dues you will have a better midsection than the one you have now.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Quick 10 minute home workout!

This 10-minute workout includes a variety of low-impact, high intensity exercises done for 1 minute, rounding out a tough 10 minutes workout. Great for when you're home or on the road and don't have any equipment.

No equipment? No problem. This 10-minute cardio workout includes a variety of challenging, low impact exercises that will get your heart rate up without any jumping. Do this workout at home or on the road to burn calories and stay fit.

How To

Perform the exercises for the suggested time, one after the other with little or no rest in between
Perform the circuit once for a 10-minute workout or up to six times for a longer, more intense workout
Modify or skip any exercises that cause pain or discomfort. Add extra rest periods if you need to

Warm up
0:00 - 1:00
Warm up for one minute with light cardio, such as step touches (as shown). Really use your arms to get your heart rate going.

Side Lunge with Windmill Arms
1:00 - 2:00
Take it to the next level by standing in a wide stance with the arms straight out. Bend at the waist, abs in, and take the left arm towards the right foot. Stand up and repeat the move on the left, going as fast as you can. Bend the knees if you feel any back pain. Repeat for one minute.

Knee Smash - Right and Left Leg
Extend the arms and bring the left knee up and across the body while bringing the arms down. Return to start and repeat, going as fast as you can to get the heart rate up for one minute. Repeat on the other side for one minute.

Front Kick Lunge- Right and Left Leg
4:00 - 6:00
Bring the right knee up and extend the leg in a snapping front kick then take the same leg back into a straight-leg lunge while touching the floor. Repeat the kick and low lunge sequence for one minute and repeat the sequence on the other side for one minute.

Bear Crawl
6:00 - 7:00
Squat to the floor and walk your hands out until you're in a plank position. Do a pushup on the knees or toes and then walk the hands back to a squat and stand up. Add a jump at the end for more intensity. Repeat for one minute.

Knee with Side Kick - Right and Left Leg
7:00 - 9:00
In a wide stance, bring the left knee up to the side while bringing the elbow down towards the knee. Take the left foot down and shift the weight into the left leg while kicking out to the side. Repeat as quickly as you can for one minute on the left and one minute on the right.

Squat Kicks
With arms up in guard, squat as low as you can, taking the hips back. As you stand up, kick with the right leg. Repeat the move, kicking with the left leg. Repeat, alternating kicks for one minute.

Walk around for a few minutes to cool down and let the heart rate come back to normal.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Power weight loss routine

Hello everyone!

Here we have it!  Below you will find a killer workout regimen that if you follow it to the letter, you will see results! Make sure to combine this program at the very least, 30 minutes cardiovascular workout. Please focus on the treadmill, bike, and the elliptical. Also follow the diet plan that I posted! Please let me know if you have any comments, questions or concerns! I love feedback!

For definition: Focus on light weights and a lot of reps to cut the superficial fat off.

For mass building: Focus on heavy weights and max out.

Daily Workout Schedule:

Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
Incline Dumbbell Press412-15
Flat Dumbbell Press312
Incline Flys312
Pec Deck312
Skull Crushers412-15
Rope Extensions312
Straight Bar Pushdowns312
Rope Crunch420-25
Hanging Knee Raise420-25
Day 2 - Back and Biceps
Wide Grip Chins412-15
Wide Grip Rows312
Narrow Grip Pulldown412-15
Hyper Extensions312
Concentration Curls412-15
EZ Bar Curl312
Day 3 - Legs and Shoulders
Leg Extensions312
Leg Curl412-15
Stiff Leg Deadlifts312
Seated Calf Raise312
Dumbbell Shoulders Press412-15
Cable Lateral Raise312
Reverse Cable Fly312
Smith Machine Shrugs412-15
Rope Crunch420-25
Hanging Knee Raise420-25
Day 4: Rest Day
Day 5 - Chest and Triceps
Incline Barbell Press412-15
Flat Barbell Press312
Flat Flys312
Cable Crossovers312
Reverse Grip Pushdown412-15
Dumbbell Kickbacks312
Dumbbell Extension312
Weighted Incline Crunches420-25
Hip Thrusts420-25
Day 6 - Back and Biceps
Wide Grip Pulldowns412-15
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows312
Good Mornings312
One Arm Dumbbell Row312
Preacher Curl412-15
Dumbbell Curl312
Day 7 - Legs and Shoulders
Leg Press412-15
Leg Curl412-15
Straight Leg Deadlifts312
Standing Calf Raises312-15
Smith Machine Press412-15
Dumbbell Lateral Raises312
Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys312
Upright Rows312
Weighted Incline Crunches420-25
Hip Thrusts420-25

Friday, September 14, 2012

The master diet!

Hey everyone!

The problem the average person has is the fact they do not know what they should be eating on a daily basis to live a healthy live style. The below diet is a baseline of what you should be eating and at what times. I understand it might take some time to get with it, but once you get in the program, it's great!

Feel free to change the times depending on your current schedule, but the food content should not be changed that much.

Everything worth anything in life is hard to get, but once you get what you are shooting for, it's the best feeling in the world! Leave me your comments on how it is working for you! Or if you have any suggestions! I would love to get your feedback!

10 a.m.
— 1 pack of oatmeal with hot water
— Protein shake
12:30 p.m.
— 1 roasted chicken breasts
— 1/2 cup of corn
— 1 sweet potato
2 p.m.
—Protein shake mixed with a banana
4:30 p.m.
— 4-6 oz steak
— 1/2 cup of carrots or asparagus
— Large salad with vinaigrette dressing
7 p.m.
- light snack. Almonds, peanuts, cashew ( not all needed)

9 a.m.
— Protein Bar
— Muscle Milk Light
12 p.m.
— Detour Bar
2:30 p.m.
— Tri Tip
— Tilapia Fillet
— Baked Cauliflower
— Green Beans
— Salad with (Balsamic dressing)
4 p.m.
— Almonds (dot not over do it. 20 at most)
7 p.m.
— 1 original (roasted) boneless chicken breasts
— side of corn
— side of mushrooms
8 p.m.
— light protein drink

9 a.m.
— 1 pack of plain oatmeal with water
— protein drink
10:30 a.m.
— almonds (dot not over do it. 20 at most)
12 p.m.
— egg white omelette
— peppers, ham, turkey, bacon, feta cheese
2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
— apple, buffalo jerky, sugar free chocolate almonds (you do not need to eat all on this list)
6 p.m.
— 1 pork chops
— broccoli
— squash
— mushrooms
8 p.m.
— light protein drink

9 a.m.
— Protein drink
— 1 pure protein bar
10:30 a.m.
— 1 pack of plain oatmeal
1 p.m.
— Tilapia
- broccoli
- carrots
5 p.m.
— 1 chicken breast
— asparagus
- spinach
7 p.m.
- light protein drink

— protein drink
— almonds (dot not over do it. 20 at most)
9 a.m.
— egg whites
— bacon
— papaya
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
— bacon, apple, pineapple
2 p.m.
— 1 chicken breasts
— 1 slices of tri tip beef
— cauliflower
— broccoli
5 p.m.
— salad
— chicken, bacon, corn, carrots, feta (balsamic dressing)
5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.
— handful of sugar free chocolate almonds, asian pear, peanuts, jerky, corn nuts

— protein drink
8:30 a.m.
— 4 eggs and bacon
— an apple
2 p.m.
— 2 "Truffle Burgers" with cheese and buns
— half order of "cheese tots"
— half order of onion rings
6 p.m.
— mackerel sashimi, toro sashimi, clam sashimi
— green salad with ginger dressing
8 p.m.
— 2 apples

9 a.m.
— 1 pack of oatmeal
9:30 a.m.
— 4 eggs and bacon
12 p.m.
— 1 chicken breasts
— salad with balsamic dressing
— almonds
2:15 p.m.
— 1 Atkins bars + 1 think thin bar
5:30 p.m.
— 1 buffalo burgers (no bun)
— salad
7 p.m.
— protein drink
- almonds

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The beginning!

I wanted to take a step back and give you a little history of how my journey began. It's now been 9 months since I started my transformation. I remember it like it was yesterday. The moment I decided to make a change in the way I was living my life. I was always tired, I didn't have enough energy to do pretty much anything. My number one focus when I got home from work was to watch TV. I thought about turning 30 this year and my accomplishments so far in my life. For the most part, I realized that some things were great wins and some were great losses. A lot of those losses I had no control over, so I decided to make a list of the things I could change about my life to make those loses wins. One of the items on the list was weight loss. I said to myself "if you can pull this off, you can accomplish anything!" and that's how it all started!

Looking back today, I'm like a brand new man! It was almost like I was born again. I am always on the go. Active, love to be outside and I am always looking for the next great adventure. Losing weight doesn't just make you look good. It makes you faster, smarter, and it gives you a level of confidence that you otherwise would not have. I am not going to sit here and say it was easy. I was a struggle every day, but man was it worth the fight. This is now part of my live, and this will always be part of my live.

We are going to take it day by day. I am going to show you great workouts that you will be able to do in the comfort of your own home. You will not have to join a gym to follow my routine, so you will not have to spend any money! I will say this... You will need the will and ambition! You will have to be hungry! Feel it, breath it! Find what motivates you, and hang on to it for dear life!

Please stay tune for great videos and exercise programs!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi everyone!

First off, I want to thank you for coming to my Blog! I really appreciate the support! Together we will get fit using a fun and healthy way. By following my Blog, you will learn about diets, training programs, and everyday activities that will help you reach the goals that you have set for yourself.

It seems like yesterday I stepped on the scale and I weigh in at 285. Just the thought of the journey I had to take to lose the weight was a battle, but I knew it was something that needed to be done, not only to look good, but also, to add valuable years to my life. I wanted to be there for my future wife and kids. If you can extend your life by just one more year, its 12 months you can spend with your loved ones.

Looking back now, I can safely say, that loosing 100lbs is so worth it. I am more active, I enjoy a healthy life style, and I am doing things I thought at the time, were basically impossible.

This Blog is not to make it seem like I am the authority when it comes to fitness. I want to show you how by making simple changes in your diet and workout plan can affect your weight loss in a positive way.

Most people will tell you that they are happy with the way that they are, but in reality, most people are not. We will take the journey together and by the end of it, you will be happy that you took it.

Let's have some fun and see what happens!

Be positive, be strong, but remember... Above all else be yourself!